
A lady testing the water in a marsh. Taking a Georgian Bay water sample.

Our ecology services are informed by science and land-based knowledge to deepen our understanding of environmental change. We take an inclusive approach to environmental stewardship that considers social conditions, community participation, and cultural protocols for successful ecological collaboration.

Our holistic systems approach to problem solving helps us find innovative and practical solutions for positive long-term impacts on ecology, climate, and healthy communities. 

Services Offered

We provide consulting and technical services in areas such as:

  • Mitigation strategies for habitat, land use & invasive species
  • Monitoring for fisheries, water quality, birds, turtles, snakes & bats
  • Species at Risk planning
  • Program design
  • Property & development assessments
  • Best Management Practices (BMP) training

Past Projects

Some examples of our team’s past work include:

Species Awareness Training for Working on Roads

At-risk turtles nesting or invasive plant species can pose a challenge for any construction site. Through our training we’ve helped a number of Public Works roads departments navigate regulatory requirements,…

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Seguin Township

Residents and cottagers in Seguin Township may have come across Biosphere and Seguin Township staff wading into area lakes, or set up on shore, searching white basins for tiny critters….

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